
Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Finding George Q and A

Today I answered some questions by using only a school journal and a document. 

  1. How does the writer signal that the word “citizen” (page 35) definition is to come?It means that he also has the same rights as the people that were born here.

  2. What does the acronym ANZAC stand for?Australian and NZ army crops.

  3. What you might find in a soldier’s diary?Their feelings and some photographs.

  4. What makes somebody a citizen? What are the responsibilities of a citizen? What rights does being a citizen give you?If they were born in NZ that makes you a New Zealand citizen.The right of freedom,the right of expressing and the right to move.

  5. What does immigrated mean? What does it mean for your feelings about New Zealand or your former homeland? Where do you think your loyalties lie?Moved from 1 country to another.It means you have every right to express it.In NZ.

  6. Why do you think Henrietta Bollinger has made these choices? What has she added to help us understand George’s meaning?Yes,because she has made us understand George.George the Anzac,George the brave and George the New Zealander.

  7. Was I right in thinking that the letter from the private detective might be because George was part-German?Yes,because they were suspicious of him because he was german.

  8. Was I right in thinking that it would be very hurtful to George to find that people didn’t see him as a New Zealander?Yes,because he also fight in war and died in war for New Zealand.

  9. What impression do you get when you read the words “a rain of bullets”? It was shooting lots of bullets scared.

  10. Henrietta has used a metaphor and a simile in the next paragraph on page 37 to contrast George’s experience of the war with the impression being given to people in the media. What are they? What is the contrast they highlight? Anger.

  11. Henrietta could have just described what happened. Why do you think she used the direct quotations from George’s diary? Because that is what happened.

  12. How did it affect you to read his own words? Why has she added her own comments and explanations? To add more description.

  13. Do you think Henrietta made effective use of the diary extracts? Why do you think this?Yes,because she added her own quotations

  14. What is Henrietta’s point of view? How might it be affected by her relationship with George? What evidence can you find to justify your perception?Timeline of what George was.She now knows her great great uncle.

  15. Do you think the army was justified in paying a detective to spy on George? Why do you think this?yes,because they were suspicious of him.

  16. Was the Women’s Anti-German League justified in their stance?yes,because they were against George.

  17. Can the circumstances of war justify prejudice?Yes.

  18. Can you find examples of this sort of prejudice in the world today? Is that justified? What is its effect?Action and justify.

  19. How do you feel about the fact that George and Herman’s names don’t appear on the war memorial at Ōmatā?Sad and angry,because they died for this country too.

Do you believe prejudice might be justified in wartime?Yes.

If you were paying attention answer this question.Q.What does Anzac stand for?

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